Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Home Again - and up to the SAME OLD TRICKS!

While I was gone - David did a lot of canoeing on his own in the little red canoe (Grace has named her Fulton's Otter). He found some beautiful spots we can't wait to explore. This one was taken at LENS lake up in the Adirondacks. This is just a perfect picture. David has surgery tomorrow to repair the miniscus in his knee. Sadly, it'll be a few weeks before we can enjoy this as a family with the two canoes out together.... I think he wanted to OD on peaceful places before being laid up for awhile.
Do question the concept of HOME SWEET HOME - OK? Naturally, there were a few heavy chores to finish up here pre-surgery. Namely - finishing the unsplitable firewood chunks. So - not 24 hours off the road we launched into THIS! David does 5 cords by hand with a splitting-maul every year. These large pieces WOULD NOT SPLIT, and he doesn't really care for tearing into them with a chain saw. Usually there are not so many and we chuck them in a campfire. For the first time we borrowed a power splitter and did this 'the easy way'. HA - it's 86F and humid. This is work for April - NOT JULY! In not too much more than an hour - we have the 30 odd chunks all split up and ready for SOMEONE to stack!
So - while I did the bending over part (gee Ingrid - thanks for the oh-so-flattering pic of Mom!) David lugged chunks around. We switched off, but found these to be good 'assignments'. Meanwhile our two little worker bees moved the split wood over to nearer the woodshed for stacking.... SO - ITS DONE! We're ready for winter to come back. ESP after the last 10 days of unusually hot and humid stuff up here!

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