Monday, August 25, 2008

Grace is Ready for the Schaghticoke Fair!

Here is Grace with all her "creations: for the fair. We're hoping for at least one BLUE RIBBON!
You can see her first knitting project over her shoulder. She uses it for a rug in her Littlest Petshop House. She is holdinig her Cape Cod Beaded Chocker Necklace. It has a little silver whale we got 2 years ago on Cape Cod after going on a Whale Watch. She just re-made it for th 3rd time (the plastic elastic thread keeps breaking). She wore it EVERY DAY of 2nd grade - really LOVES it. In her other hand is an acrylic painting she did with her best friends' Grandma. It is a husky and her puppy in the snow. There are paw-prints all over! Then, kind of draped over the picture is her first macreme project - a bookmark. The top of it has a little silver angel pendant that her Grandma Engel gave her. She is very proud of this bookmark. Later this afternoon she will do one more project - a pencil drawing - another "animal study". So she has five things to enter in the fair... Ingrid is working on Grandma Engel's HUGE Sugar Cookies (ala Kansas City Star). She as a number of crafts and 4H entries too. I have a bunch of crafts, preserves and baked items to enter as well. More "RESULTS" to be "posted" later in the week.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

An August day - Canoing on Second Lake

We went up to Grafton Lakes today. Just 12 miles from home with a borrowed canoe. What a deal. It is a beautiful day - we just paddled around awhile - explored - saw wildlife and had a lunch en canoe! Here we are in a little cove having our lunch...

Here is David with his girls - doing their LEVEL best not to tip us over!
A little lily - - - with some cool reflections from the shore...
A view of the lake from the cove. Second Lake is 31 acres - just right for a couple hours of paddling around. I think we went around twice.... There is a beaver dam to the far left - almost by the opening to the big lake.
Ingrid took this picture of a few ducks we saw scooting around....

Grace's Bicycling Adventure

Well - our bike ride got off to a very rocky start. It was.... interesting. The kids took off while David was getting his special bike shoes on. About 30 yards down the path (I wasn't with them) Ingrid stopped in front of Grace who swerved right off the path into the woods - and down a little hill INTO A CREEK! (she forgot about the concept of BRAKES!) I ran to help her - having NO idea what I'd find - and then had to jump in a VERY MUDDY creek to rescue her.. URG - she was fine.

Here is a picture of the mud hole. Good thing I had my TEVA's on - and NOT sneakers. I was actully sinking - had a very hard time yanking my foot out of the muck on the bottom of that cute little "creek". Guess they now understand WHY WE DON"T STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PATH!!!

We convinced her to get back on... It was TOUGH. Her shoes and socks were wet - so were her goucho pants. REAL MESS. I told her, eventually, that if she got on and rode - we'd go get her new sneakers (she needs them for school anyway - whew) on the way home. THAT did the trick. Bribes for girls - new clothes or shoes... She was a pretty good trouper -not injured except for a scrape that was't even bleeding on her shin. Whew. Here she is after our ride - at the "scene of the wreck". Her landing spot was about 2 feet below the path - lovely mud hole. (scroll down - there are more words.....) She got a lot of praise for getting back on and sticking it out. Was SLOWER than USUAL, but she got the job done!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lake Champlain - Georgeous Place......

We made a couple of trips to Lake Champlain in the last couple of weeks. Our friends Simon & Elise have a family camp there that is very comfy! I went up with the girls for a couple of days - and bought some furniture. So... as luck would have it... David and I HAD to return ALONE after dropping the kids at camp to pick it up. We stayed a couple of days - DARN! The peace and relaxion was supurb!

We have had SO much rain in the NorthEast. This shot is for Elise's benefit - the water level has risen at least 12" in the last 10 days alone. Last week that stump was "on the beach". Good thing we tied off the wooden dock sections last week before we left or they would be far far away by now. His metal dock is submerged with at least 3" of water over the top of the deck.

Here I am writing posty cards to all the kids at camp. This is in the main dining area of the camp - the windows look right out on the water. JUST LOVELY!

Here are Hanieka and Grace in the bow of the boat. We were out crusin' and Simon was skiing. What fun - the girls even got to try tubing - LOVED the SPEED!

Elise is courting a little flock of ducklings. Here she is with the kids feeding them "leftover" pancakes. They are getting quite big on her bread rations!

While visiting with the kids - we took the Essex Ferry over to Vermont and visited Burlington for the day - a good time was had by all. LOTS of sailboats on Lake Champlain. It is a beautiful place. Here are Ingrid, Sawyer, Hanieka and Grace on the ferry.

Hold on to those hats kids!!!

Summer Camp

Well - the kids are at camp this week. It was pretty weird leaving them there. I know they are in good hands and I KNOW for sure they'll have a great time. Ingrid went last year - and could hardly wait to go again. Here is Ingrid with her pal Alyssa. Alyssa's MOM had just left -and she's mustering a GOOD SMILE.

Here is Grace (in yellow hat) in front of her cabin - with all the kids she will be "bunking" with and her counselor. All of the kids are 7-8 years old, the counselor is a Sr. at the kids school - so perhaps they'll see one another during the school year - that would be neat.

Here is a shot of Ingrid's bunk. SHe declined any help to unpack or get organized. NOT like there is much to do anyway. Her racoon Rascal is there - her sleeping bag and a stuff sack/laundry bag full of other "necessities". The cabin has 4 bunks - but just 5 kids I think and a counselor.

Here is the OUTSIDE of Johnsbrook - Ingrid's cabin. The cabins are all arranted in pairs - usually for a cabin of girls and a cabin of guys. David said that this group will have 2 groups of girls. Each has their own fire pit - and area for group activities - outside of course!!! They are spread quite far apart - Grace's group is near-by. The bath-house - ICK - I don't even want to think it to write - use your imagination!!!

Here is Kessler Hall - a place for getting together, dances and such. There is a separate dining hall, an outdoor chapel and of course, the beach. Hopefully some of the kids pictures from disposable camera's will be worthy - and we can post them later.....