Sunday, May 10, 2009

4H Group

The girls (all 3 of them!) are really active in the 4H group - Rensselaer County Thrills and Skills. We do all KINDS of things. Here are 10 of the 16 kids involved after the Fashion Show just yesterday. They tie dyed the fabric & shirts to match, cut out patters and fabric, and then sewed their own shorts! We are really proud of all of them. They did a great job making the outfits and modelling them at Jo-Ann's Saturday.

A friend of another leader sent these cyprus bluebird house kits. Boy did we make a lot of noise in the school that night.
In February we made Refrigerator Rising French Bread. We did all the mixing and forming at the meeting - then each kid took one home to bake the next day. VERY YUMMY!

Here is one of the girls working on her shorts! Lotsa Concentration!

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