The night before he left we caught all the pullets (this years chicks for you non-chicken folks) and trimmed their wings. We've had lots of issues lately with a few of them flying over the fence & nets and getting out. Problem was - one of our pretty little silver spangled hamburgs was already OUT - and this little teenager decided not to come home for the night. A real renegade - rogue of sorts this bird is.... Double thie issue: the girls named these two really pretty white egg layers after themselves - so losing one would be very very sad indeed.....
Well, yesterday morning before David left, she was back. But we knew better than to try and catch her. This pair is VERY small and VERY fast. The only alternative to try and keep her from flying out was for me to tackle this by myself with the girls after dark once everyone gets settled into the coop. So - last night - we did! It was quite a crazy 10 mintues with just us girls here. Here is the story and pictures to prove our antics!!!
We got her all done (wing clipped, leg band ID bracelet on - orange) and then one of the kids saw a gray freakin' band on her other leg. We did the wrong damn bird. I thought I had looked so closely at this pair that I could easily tell them apart by the coloring and condition of the tail feathers. GUESS NOT. So........ Ingrid took OFF the new orange band, and we started over. I got the 2nd bird from the nest box. The first had been tail towards me on the perch - she was a LOT easier to catch... anyway, I got her and she's fine.
We repeated the whole process in the garage where there is plenty of light. And so, now its REALLY done. The original hamburg still has a gray leg band, and two trimmed wings. The other has an orange band and ONE trimmed wing. I love this picture. I'm wearing work gloves - holding the bird steady and pulling her wing out. THen there are the little pink-painted fingers with the scissors - wearing a Carhart!! What a great combo!
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