So - here they are... We watched for the longest time trying to make sure they found their cool new feeder and water container (the big galvanized ones). David is worried about his brood - and put in one of the chick sized plastic water cans too... Never fear - an hour later they were really going at the feeder. All 18 around it at once. QUITE A SITE!!
So - here is the proud PAPA~ The many windows on the coop make for easy viewing. This is COOL! From here you can see everything - and this window is low enough for the kids to easily look in too. You can see the brooder light - Supposed to get down into the 30's here tonight. BRRRR You can also see the "ADULT" sized perch David built.. It is quite the cozy place. Just after we moved them in I remembered that I had wanted to camp out iin the coop BEFORE the flock moved in - - OH WELL. That idea WILL NOT HAPPEN now. TOO much chicken POOP everywhere. Let me tell you - they wasted no time making their MARK on the place. I'd say - about 30 seconds!
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